We offer the following services:
Regardless of whether you have just established your firm or already own one for a while, we offer business organization consultancy in order for you to be able to have a better and more organized picture of your business, thus exerting full control over it.
If you need tax advice or business advice, if you are getting ready to employ more staff and need to know which incentives you qualify for (this saving on worker-related expenses), or if you need any other type of business advice – we are here for you.
We can also help you with trying to obtain incentives from the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts or other institutions giving incentives or non-returnable funds.
A business plan is a description of a business idea and measures needed to realize this idea.
For any owner or entrepreneur, a business plan (i.e. its drafting) is a very important document for any start-up business.
Business plan answers the question of how to ensure company development, all the while staying competitive.
Every business plan is tailored according to business venture or type of business activity.
Its complexity and content are defined by the production/service programme and adapt to its primary function.
It is also needed when initiating investments, and is usually requested by business banks if you are looking for a loan.
A business plan should support the validity of your investment, not only from the economic standpoint, but also the social.
In short, a business plan contains a certain description of your business idea broken down in elements such as entrepreneur/company information, location, ecological, technical and technological aspects, as well as financial calculations and analysis of cost-effectiveness of investments.
If you would like to start your own business, but don’t know how, or which form it should take (LLC, trade, simple LLC…), what awaits you as an entrepreneur, how to get incentives or loans for getting things in motion, we can help you and get your business started the right way.
With start-ups, we also offer business consultancy services in order for you to be able to organize your business in the best way possible.
If the process of establishing a company seems too complicated for you, and you would like someone else to do it for you – no problem.
We will do all of this for you:
- Register the company at the commercial court
- Obtain the company No. from the Central Bureau of Statistics
- Obtain your company seal
- Register the company for VAT
- Register the company for taxes
- Register the company for the pension fund
- Register the company for health benefits
- Other – as per your needs.
- We ensure quick, timely, high-quality, reliable services!